Hey there, savvy tour operators! Imagine this for a moment – what if you had an extra hour in your day? What could you do with it?
Perhaps enjoy lunch without rushing, take a relaxing break, or maybe even complete other important tasks, or perhaps even kick back and relax with a well-deserved coffee break.
Interested? Well, keep reading, because we're about to reveal a secret weapon that'll help you snatch those extra 60 minutes (or more!) every day.
No, we're not proposing a fanciful scheme to manipulate the space-time continuum. Instead, we're talking about a surprisingly simple concept: syncing your Airbnb bookings with your reservation system.
This whole calendar sync may sound like a mundane process, but the impact it can have on your operations is significant. Here's why you need to sync your Airbnb bookings calendar now:
Time is Money
Let's talk numbers. You know that in the tour operator business, time is money. For every minute that is saved in the process, there is a cost savings. To be successful, tour operators must find ways to maximize efficiency and reduce costs. Automation can help to achieve this.
On average, manually entering a booking from a third party, direct booking, like Airbnb, into your booking system takes an agent between one and two minutes. That may not seem like much, but once you start multiplying, it quickly adds up.
Suppose you manage 30 Airbnb bookings a day. That's up to an hour of data entry each day, or five hours a week. Over the course of a year, you're spending as much as 260 hours inputting data!
That's the equivalent of 10 full days dedicated solely to data entry (and we bet you can think of other adventures you'd rather be on). If you sync your Airbnb calendar, you'll be able to save yourself that much time!
You can also use the calendar sync feature to automate other tasks, such as generating reports and tracking occupancy. This way, you'll have more time to focus on the bigger aspects of running your Airbnb business.
Reduce Errors, Increase Efficiency

Manual data entry isn't just time-consuming; it's prone to mistakes. After all, who among us hasn't been on autopilot and made a typo or two (or ten)? The average accuracy for a typist is 92%, meaning they make 8 mistakes for every 100 words typed.
When it comes to bookings, you can't afford to have this issue. Why? Because even small errors can lead to big problems – double bookings, multiple listings, lost reservations, you name it. These problems can cause customer dissatisfaction and a loss of revenue. Booking.com reports that 25% of their property managers and hosts will receive a double booking at some point during their first year on the platform.
If you sync Airbnb calendar with your reservation system, you can eliminate these potential errors. Automatic syncing of calendars will reduce the chance of human error and prevent multiple guests. This will also allow for more precise tracking of bookings.
Plus, all that time you were spending on manual entry? Consider it gifted back to you.
For example, once the Airbnb calendar is synced, any changes made to bookings on either platform will be instantly reflected on booking calendars for the other platform, eliminating the need to manually adjust the calendars.
One Central Location

Having all your reservations in one central location simplifies management and organization. No more jumping between different platforms to find specific bookings.
No need to manually refresh! If you add calendar connection, everything you need is neatly organized in one system, enhancing operational efficiency. For example, if you have a centralized booking system, you can quickly access a customer's reservation history booking details, contact information, and past invoices in one place.
More Time for Customer Service

Remember all those hours you spent on data entry? Those can be redirected toward improving customer service. With automated syncing, you can redirect your energy to where it's needed most: your guests.
As per a report by American Express, 7 out of 10 U.S. consumers say they've spent more money doing business with a company that delivers great service.
Offering superior customer service can set you apart from the competition. With your extra time, you can go the extra mile to create memorable experiences for your guests. After all, you don't want your customers to walk away feeling like they've been served a regular meal when they could've had a five-star experience.
Now that's a win-win!
Real-Time Updates

In the fast-paced world of tour operations, being able to swiftly respond to changes by being up-to-date is key. For instance, if a natural disaster occurs, tour operators need to quickly respond by changing their itineraries and offering alternative arrangements to minimize disruption and loss.
Real-time updates allow you to stay on top of your game, and respond swiftly to changes. If a booking is cancelled, or a new one is made, you’ll know instantly. No more nasty surprises.
Meet: ZapEx
Now, at this point, you might be thinking, "Great, I'm sold on syncing my Airbnb calendar bookings, but how on Earth do I do it?" Enter ZapEx, your soon-to-be new best friend.
Here's where ZapEx comes into play.
ZapEx isn't a magic wand, but it might just feel like one. It allows you to automatically sync your Airbnb bookings to your booking system. What does this mean?
No more manual data entry, less chance for errors, prevent double bookings, and a whole lot of time saved. And remember, as we've established, time saved = money saved.
But it's not only about efficiency. ZapEx gives you peace of mind. Instead of worrying about booking errors or data entry, you can focus on what truly matters - creating exceptional experiences for your guests.

With the magic of syncing Airbnb bookings to your reservation system, you're not just saving time and reducing errors - you're also freeing yourself up to focus on the parts of your business that you truly enjoy. For instance, you can spend more time responding to guests' questions and inquiries, creating content for marketing campaigns and booking channels, or even just taking time off.
After all, didn't you get into this business to create memorable experiences, not to master the art of data entry?
With ZapEx in your corner, you're one step closer to reclaiming your day.
Now, about that coffee break...